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Sorbus aucuparia

Rowan (Sorbus sp.) is a genus consisting of about eighty species that are found in the temperate regions of the Northern hemisphere. They take on many different shapes and sizes, from dwarf shrubs to trees of great dimension. Nearly all of them have white flowers, but the main attraction of rowans are their berries that, depending on the species, may be white, yellow, orange or red. Another characteristic is the yellow-red autumn colour of the leaves.

Species characteristics

Rowan or mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia) is a small, short-lived tree, with a smooth, silvery-grey bark. The leaves are very characteristic, consisting of 11-15 pinnate leaflets with a toothed edge.
Rowans are very attractive in the spring, when they are covered in white flowers of 10-15cm diameter, but also in the autumn, with their berries hanging down from the branches in bunches. At first, these berries are yellow, then orange and suddenly scarlet within a few days.
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