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The mountain pine

Pinus mugo

Pines (Pinus sp.) are a genus of conifers that are commonly found all over the earth. Most of them, that is hundreds of species, are trees, but there are also shrubs, such as mountain pine (Pinus mugo).
The mountain pine
The mountain pine

Characteristics of the species

Mountain pine (Pinus mugo) is a large, evergreen shrub of pyramidal shape.
As is the case with all pines, the needles grow all around the twig; they are rather long (3-4cm), rigid and grow in bundles of two. During the summer, the new needles on young shoots are light green, until they take on their typical, dark green colour in the following year.
The strobili, or cones, appear separately or in groups, they are oval or oblong, light brown and up to 6cm long.
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